
Toxicology! Because What You Don't Know Can Kill You[

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Download Toxicology! Because What You Don't Know Can Kill You

"Toxicology! Because what you don't know can kill you" is about everyday people and their encounters with the clinical laboratory. This collection of stories is a behind-the-scenes look at the intricate workings of a toxicology lab. Many of these cases ended with legal consequences. All stories are based on my involvement with real cases as a toxicologist. Because of patient privacy laws, the names and places have been changed.

We all wish we had more power. The power to turn back time, to re-write history and make better decisions, but most importantly, the power to save a life. However, the dream of being someone’s hero or even saving yourself from certain death or misfortune is a plight that no average person can seemingly muster. Without super strength or extrasensory perceptions, it may appear that we are on our own to battle uncertain destiny. But what if I were to tell you there’s more? There’s a way to change your fate, to hold more cards, and take not only your own life, but the lives of those you love into your hands. No, we cannot go back in time, but we can set forth ripples of change into the future that can alter our coexistence forever. Toxicology and clinical laboratory testing may be one of those portals.
, 4Th Grade Reading Books .


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